All the principals are here by informed that the finalized pattern for
Communication Skills Lab Practice (Common-408) exam for 4th semester students
is here with enclosed in the Annexure.
Skills Lab Practice
Common –
Marks: 100
allotted for
Internal Assessment : 40
ii) End Examination : 60
The marks are allocated for
Communication Skills Lab Practice in the following manner:
Internal Marks:40 Marks
Listening Skills
: 10 Marks
Five questions will be given. Teacher reads an unseen passage or plays an
audio file once. Students have to answer the questions after listening to the
passage. Each question carries two marks.
● Making presentations: 20 marks
The list of the topics will be displayed during
the fifth practical session. Students select a topic each through lottery.
Presentation should be for five minutes. All the presentations of the students
have to be completed before the end examination. Marks allotted to students
will be recorded in register.
● Record: 05 marks
Students have to answer the questions given in
the activities in the students’ lab manual in a separate notebook or a record
book. In the same notebook or record book, they shall answer the questions
given in the assignments.
participation in the lab activities, punctuality, discipline, etc. : 05 Marks
End Examination:60 Marks (3 Hours)
● Listening Skills: 10 marks (30 Minutes)
Five questions will be given. Teacher reads an unseen passage or plays an
audio file once. Students have to answer the questions after listening to the
passage. Each question carries two
marks. (Listening Skills test may be
conducted for the whole class at the same time.
● Group Discussion: 30 marks (30 Minutes)
(10 Minutes for each Group Discussion)
Just before the commencement of the
exam, the groups and their topics should be displayed in the exam hall. The students shall be divided on the basis of
PIN or as per the convenience of the teacher.
Each group may consist of five or six students. The Group Discussion may be conducted
simultaneously for two or three groups.
The external examiner, the internal examiner and the assistant examiner
supervise and evaluate the Group Discussion.
● Speaking Skills: 20 marks ( 120 Minutes)
Teacher asks the students
questions individually. Topics for this
activity are:
● Introducing
● Describing
● Reporting Past
● Describing Events
● Speaking from
Observation / Reading
● Interview Skills
examiner and the external examiner assess the performance of the students and
award them the marks. Maximum marks for
the end exam is 60 (Pass marks in internal is 20 and in end exam is 30). Records of the students have to be preserved
in the English Language laboratories for at least four years. This 408 examination is on par with any other
lab examination.
A Note on
External Examiner:External Examiner may be a regular or a
contract lecturer working in a Polytechnic/Junior College/Degree College/Engineering
College (Government or Private).
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