Minutes of Meeting on Industry Meet with Director of Technical Education on 19/04/2016 at 2.00 P.M. in the Prof. Jaya Shankar Conference Hall of Directorate of Technical Education, Hyderabad
The Director of Technical Education, TS, Offers of the DTE, SBTET, RJD, Hyderabad and representatives of 31 Industries participated in the meeting.
The Agenda Points discussed were:
1. Industry requirements of diploma holders.
2. Skills required.
3. Campus placement plan.
4. Industry mapping.
5. III Plan.
After detailed Deliberations the following decisions were taken:
1. To introduce new courses at Polytechnic level is the need of thehour and steps shall be taken in that direction. Action: SBTET/JD
2. The Pass percentage shall be improved such that the number of students coming out of polytechnics shall be increased without compromising on the quality. Action: PRINCIPALS
3. Creativity of every child entering polytechnic shall be nurtured by providing practical training from I year onwards. Action: SBTET
4. An Institute shall be ranked with no of entrepreneurs it is producing and no of placements it is generating. Entrepreneurship training shall be given to the students in 3 years of their study. Action: SBTET
5. For effective III, mapping of institutes with industries shall be done. Industrialists expressed that some syllabus/content suitable for the industry should be taught at the institute so that mapping yields desirable results. For this, Institute shall have incubation centers. Action: SBTET
6. Syllabus updating shall be done with involvement of industries periodically. Action: SBTET
7. Many Industries/training institutes (ATI, NSIC, C-DAC etc) have come forward to organize TOT for polytechnic teachers. The SBTET shall examine and have an MOU with such training institutes. Action: SBTET
8. NSIC informed that if the Department/Government enters an MoU with NSIC, proposal to give free trainings to students will be sent to MHRD. Action: DD Tech II/AD(T)
9. Government shall be addressed regarding introduction of CCC course at under graduate level for upgradation of qualification while working. Action: DD Tech II/ D.O
10. An advisory committee shall be established in all the polytechnics. Action: DD Tech II/ AD(T)
11. The Principals shall take steps to see that the Guest lectures shall be organized with industry personnel. Action: PRINCIPALS
12. Industrial training shall be imparted to polytechnic teachers. Action: SBTET
13. Students are to be trained in skills such as improvement in selfconfidence, communication, presentation, ability to take risk, problem solving etc. Action: SBTET
14. Need based coursed shall be introduced like hotel management and packaging technology in few more institutes. Action: SBTET
15. Knowledge repository shall be created facilitating e-learning platform. Action: SBTET
The Director of Technical Education, TS, Offers of the DTE, SBTET, RJD, Hyderabad and representatives of 31 Industries participated in the meeting.
The Agenda Points discussed were:
1. Industry requirements of diploma holders.
2. Skills required.
3. Campus placement plan.
4. Industry mapping.
5. III Plan.
After detailed Deliberations the following decisions were taken:
1. To introduce new courses at Polytechnic level is the need of thehour and steps shall be taken in that direction. Action: SBTET/JD
2. The Pass percentage shall be improved such that the number of students coming out of polytechnics shall be increased without compromising on the quality. Action: PRINCIPALS
3. Creativity of every child entering polytechnic shall be nurtured by providing practical training from I year onwards. Action: SBTET
4. An Institute shall be ranked with no of entrepreneurs it is producing and no of placements it is generating. Entrepreneurship training shall be given to the students in 3 years of their study. Action: SBTET
5. For effective III, mapping of institutes with industries shall be done. Industrialists expressed that some syllabus/content suitable for the industry should be taught at the institute so that mapping yields desirable results. For this, Institute shall have incubation centers. Action: SBTET
6. Syllabus updating shall be done with involvement of industries periodically. Action: SBTET
7. Many Industries/training institutes (ATI, NSIC, C-DAC etc) have come forward to organize TOT for polytechnic teachers. The SBTET shall examine and have an MOU with such training institutes. Action: SBTET
8. NSIC informed that if the Department/Government enters an MoU with NSIC, proposal to give free trainings to students will be sent to MHRD. Action: DD Tech II/AD(T)
9. Government shall be addressed regarding introduction of CCC course at under graduate level for upgradation of qualification while working. Action: DD Tech II/ D.O
10. An advisory committee shall be established in all the polytechnics. Action: DD Tech II/ AD(T)
11. The Principals shall take steps to see that the Guest lectures shall be organized with industry personnel. Action: PRINCIPALS
12. Industrial training shall be imparted to polytechnic teachers. Action: SBTET
13. Students are to be trained in skills such as improvement in selfconfidence, communication, presentation, ability to take risk, problem solving etc. Action: SBTET
14. Need based coursed shall be introduced like hotel management and packaging technology in few more institutes. Action: SBTET
15. Knowledge repository shall be created facilitating e-learning platform. Action: SBTET
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