Sub:- SBTET-Diploma in Pharmacy (ER-91 Scheme) 1'1 Year Examinations
June,2016- Change of Examination Centers-Intimated-Reg.
You are aware that Diploma in Pharmacy (ER-91 Scheme) 1st Year Examinations of
June, 2016 are scheduled to commence from 20-06-2016.
In this context, it is to inform you that the Board has decided to conduct the I st Year
Pharmacy Examinations of the following Pharmacy Institutions at your Institution. The list of
Institutions attached is enclosed as an 'ANNEXURE'.
Therefore, I request you to make necessary arrangements for conducting the said
examinations for the above said Institutions at your Institute. One copy of Nominal Rolls,
duplicate hall-tickets will be sent to you well in advance. One Staff member from each attached
institution will assist the Chief Superintendent in the identification of the candidates and has to
report to Chief Superintendent one day before the commencement of examination.
The Principals of the Institutions concerned with instructions to inform all the students
duly mentioning the Examination center on their Hall - tickets. The Principal is also requested
to depute one Senior staff member to report to the Chief Superintendent of the examination
center one day in advance with instructions to assist the Chief Superintendent in identifying the
candidates and to be at the examination center from first day till the end of Pharmacy
examinations. The Principal is requested to send a copy of Nominal Rolls and Duplicate Hall -
tickets of the candidates to the concerned Chief Superintendent and also contact the Chief
Superintendent and co-operate for the smooth conduct of ·ensuing examinations. The T.A. &
D.A. for the staff deputed by the Principals of attached institution are to be borne by the
respective institutions only.
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