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SBTET TS Diploma Examinations Notification Oct/Nov 2016.

The detailed notification inviting applications from eligible candidates of C-09, C-14 Schemes, ER-91 Pharmacy to appear for the Regular/ Supplementary examinations for backlog candidates of October / November-2016 commencing from tentatively 18-10-2016 for the courses as mentioned in the Notification. 

 In this regard, it is informed that the candidates appearing for the examinations have to approach any APOnline Centres or Polytechnics where they are studying or studied with recent passport size photo for registration and obtaining hall ticket. The student can also make the fee payment through payment gateway i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. For backlog candidates the APOnline centre/Polytechnics operator will collect the Examination fee and generate the hall ticket by uploading the photo and handover the printout of the hall ticket to the candidate instantly. For this service, APOnline centre/Polytechnics operator will collect service charges of Rs.15/- from the candidate per hall ticket for Normal and Late fee and Rs.25/- for Tatkal. The candidate can generate the hall ticket directly by making payment through payment gateway (i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking). The regular candidates can make the fee payment by any of the above methods but the hall ticket will not be generated until the Principal uploads the Attendance and sessional marks and certify that the candidate put up the required attendance to appear for the examination. The hall tickets for regular candidates will be generated only after getting the consent from the Polytechnics and receiving the fee collected amount to SBTET account. The candidate has to obtain the signature on the hall ticket from the concerned Head of Section/Principal before appearing for the examination. (Note: Before remitting the fee, the candidate shall ensure his eligibility status, since fee once paid is not refundable.) The candidate has to obtain a paper receipt after the payment of the fee. 

 Further, Principals are requested to give the necessary instructions to the Head of Sections to sign on the hall tickets obtained from the APOnline, e-Seva centres/Polytechnics/Payment gateway for subjects after thorough verification and deposit the amount collected towards examination fee through Net Banking in the SBTET account on or before the closing date and send the scanned copies of Bank deposited receipts to admin.sbtet@gmail.com


1. A/ AA/ AEI/C/ CM/CCP/CT/EC/EE/ GT/HS/HMCT/ IT/ M/ MNG/PKG/CH/ CHST/MET/TT C-14 3rd Semesters (Including Backlog candidates) 

2. A/ AEI/C/ CM/CCP/CT/EC/EE/ GT/HS/ IT/ M/ MNG/PKG/FW C-14 5th Semesters. 


1. A/ AA/ AEI/C/ CM/CCP/CT/EC/EE/ GT/HS/HMCT/ IT/ M/ MNG/PKG/CH/ CHST/ MET/ TT/FW C-14 I Year and IV semesters. 

2. A/ AA/ AEI/C/ CM/CCP/EC/EE/ GT/HMCT/ IT/ M/ MNG/PKG/ CHST - C-09 I Year, III, IV and VI Semesters. 

3. FW I Year, IV, V and VII Semesters of C-09 Scheme. 

4. CT/HS C09- I Year, III, IV, V and VI Semesters. 

5. CH/MET/TT/ C-09 I Year, III, IV and VII Semesters. 

6. PH- I & II Year(ER-91) (Including Backlog candidates) 

7. C-05 CCC -Courses (i) CCC-CCCM-CCEC-CCEE-CCPT 

 The Principals of the concerned Polytechnics/institutions where Regular exams are being conducted are requested to ensure in time completion of the syllabus i.e. on or before 29-09-2016 as per the academic calendar. A copy of the Notification is to be displayed on the notice board of the Institution for information of the candidates and wide publicity shall be given among the students by circulating a copy of the Notification and the memo in the reference 1st cited into the class rooms. 

Candidates who possess 75% of attendance only should be permitted to appear for the Regular Examination and if any candidate does not put in the required percentage of attendance he/she shall not be permitted to appear for the examination. However the Principals are empowered to condone the shortage of attendance upto 10% based on Medical Grounds only, on production of supporting material of such claim and after collecting the necessary amount of penalty from the candidates. 

The details of candidates eligible for condonation and detained candidates list are to be uploaded to the fee payment portal by 18-09-2016 by considering the presumptive attendance for the remaining period. The hall tickets for the condonation candidates will be generated after payment of condonation fee through the AP Online/payment gateway i.e. Debit card/Credit card/ Net banking before 24-09-2016. Condonation fee payment facility is provided in the fee payment portal. Principals are requested not to take any DDs towards condonation fee. 

The principals are further requested to upload the detained candidates data in the Diploma student portal so as to restrict the generation of hall ticket for the candidates who are not eligible to appear for the examination due to lack of attendance. For the regular candidates the hall tickets will be generated after closing date of fee payment and after verification of their eligibility. 

 The principals are requested to ensure that the Hall tickets will not be issued to the candidates who are detained for shortage of attendance even though they paid the examination fee. The URL for online examination fee payment is http://ousbtet.net/dofpportal The User ID and Passwords will be kept in the Poly login at HOS login. 

 The receipt of this letter together with Notification may please be acknowledged.  

1. Transfer of examination centre, for the students, is not permitted after last working day under any circumstances. 

2. The Chief Coordinators of CCC are requested to send the above information to the candidates by post.


a) The following candidates are eligible for October/November-2016 Diploma Examinations as First Mercy chance. 

1. Candidates admitted under C-09 Scheme during academic year 2010-2011 batches in to 3 yr regular Diploma course, PIN starting with 10. 
2. Candidates admitted under lateral entry (IVC) C-09 Scheme during academic year 2012-2013 batches in to 3 yr regular Diploma course, PIN starting with 11. 
3. Candidates admitted under ER-91 Scheme during the academic Year 2012-2013 into 2 year Diploma in Pharmacy. 
4. Candidates admitted under C-09 Scheme during academic year 2009-10 batch in to 3 ½ year regular Diploma course Pin starting with 09 


The following candidates are eligible for October/November-2016 Diploma Examinations as Second Mercy chance. (Subject to condition on government permission). 

1. Candidates admitted under C-05 of CCC scheme during academic year 2009-10 batches into 3 year CCC Diploma courses. 

The following Candidates are not eligible for October/November-2016 Diploma Examinations. 

1. Candidates admitted under C-05 Scheme during the academic Year 2008-2009 and prior Batches into 3 Year Day-Time Diploma course and readmitted candidates of C-00 scheme. 

2. Candidates admitted under C-05 Scheme during the academic Year 2008-2009 and prior batches of 3 ½ Year sandwich Diploma Courses and readmitted candidates of C-00 scheme. 

3. Inter Vocational Course (IVC) candidates admitted under C-05 Scheme into II year Diploma courses directly, in the academic year 2009-2010 and prior batches into 3 year Diploma Day-Time Courses. 

4. Inter Vocational Course (IVC) candidates admitted under C-09 Scheme into II year Diploma courses directly, in the academic year 2010-2011 (Pin with 09) & 2011-12 (Pin 10) 3 year Diploma DayTime Courses and readmitted consideration of C-05 scheme. 

5. Candidates admitted under C-05 Scheme subsequently readmitted in C-09 scheme (PIN with 05, 06, 07, 08,09) batches of 3 year Day Time and PIN with 05, 06, 07, 08 batches of 3 ½ Year Day Time for sandwich courses. 

6. Candidates admitted under ER-91 Scheme during the academic Year 2011-2012 (Pin with ’11’) and prior batches into 2 year Diploma in Pharmacy. 

7. Candidates admitted under C-05 (CCC) during the academic year 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008- 09 (Pin with 05, 06, 07 and 08) and readmitted consideration of C-00 (CCC) Scheme. 

8. C-09 Candidates those who wrote Instant examinations held in June-2016.

Download TS SBTET Diploma Examinations Notification Oct/Nov 2016 in PDF File 


1. Issue of hall tickets to any candidate is subject to possessing 75% of attendance as on the last working Day and on uploading of UT.& SM Marks. 
2. Acceptance of examination fee does not provide any right to the candidate to demand for the issue of hall ticket. 
3. Detailed time – table of examinations shall be communicated by Last week of September-2016. 
4. Examination fee must be paid by cash at AP Online/Polytechnics centre or through payment gateway i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking for all Diploma subjects. 
5. The dates mentioned at serial no. A (VI, VII) are the dates by which the board should receive the inputs.
 6. Fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. 
7. Eligible Physically Handicapped candidates can generate Hall- tickets through Polytechnic HLCs or AP Online centres only. 
8. A student who is not eligible to sit for examination either due to shortage of attendance or other reason, shall forfeit the examination Fee paid. 
9. Examination fee payment detailed instructions are enclosed with this notification. 

10. The URL for online fee payment module is http://ousbtet.net/dofpportal

11. C-14 CCP-301 (English, syllabus was changed hence, C-14 CCP branch regular Candidates shall appear the examination for CCP-301 subject as per New syllabus only. However C-14 CCP III semester supplementary Candidates with receive the Question papers i.e. CCP-301 subject as old syllabus.
1 Komentar untuk "SBTET TS Diploma Examinations Notification Oct/Nov 2016."

In my college examination fee is 600 rs s but we are paid through online methed in mee seva but my sir is taken again 150 for semister sir what we are doing sir please help me sir .

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